Frequently Asked Questions
Will I be followed up about my pledge?
Your pledge will not be followed up. It simply gives us an indication of how much people intend to give, which helps us in our financial planning.
Will donations to the project be tax deductible?
Yes, all those who can benefit from a tax deduction for their donation can do so by giving to our
Kingdom Investment Fund for this project.
Specific information on the giving methods and tax deductibility
Can I re-direct some of my regular giving to this project?
Our current regular giving (tithes and offerings) helps to resource the ministries of the church. In order to sustain these ministries, we ask that donations to this project be in addition to your other regular giving. We do not want any area of ministry to have to reduce their resources in favour of the building being completed.
What is CityLife's current financial situation?
Through the generous giving of our congregation and the good financial management of our leadership team, CityLife is currently debt-free with some savings in the bank.
Why don't we just borrow the $1 million?
Taking a bank loan is possible, but would cost thousands of dollars in interest and would require us to reduce the amount of money we are investing directly in ministry, something we do not want to do.
How much has been raised?
$130,445 was raised in 2014, $172,589 in 2015 and $134,966 in 2016 giving a current total of $438,000 towards the project.
When will fundraising be completed?
This will be the final year of fundraising. If we raise the funds before the end of the year, we will let people know and close the fundraising as we did in 2004 when our last project was fully funded. If not all of the funds are raised by the end of the year, we will assess our financial situation and determine how to cover any shortfall.
Why don't we buy our own land and construct our own building?
To purchase land and construct our own facility in the Casey area would cost well over $15 million, something which is beyond our reach at this time. This is a tremendous opportunity to partner with the College for our mutual benefit, similar to the situation with CityLife Knox and the College Wantirna South campus.
How much land is on the College's Narre Warren South site?
This site has 18 acres and the master plan enables the College to grow to an enrolment of 1,300 students, with the future possibility of a Community Centre and offices for our church (subject to council planning approvals.)
Is Waverley Christian College a ministry of the church?
Yes, it is. It is a separate incorporated association with strong governance links to CityLife through our Board of Elders who are the members of the association. The College is self-funding. It caters to the needs of students from a wide variety of church communities providing them with a quality Christian education.
Will this project affect our community and overseas mission ministries?
Our commitment to our community ministry and to missions is as strong as it ever has been and so we do not want to reduce any of the current resources we are investing in these core ministries of the church. In fact, as we grow, our capacity to expand these areas of ministry also grows.