Partnership - CityLife Church Melbourne Australia
Our partners are the core of our church. These are people who connect with the mission and vision of CityLife Church and decide to partner with us. Partnership creates that sense that CityLife Church is my church rather than ‘the church I go to’. Partners are the members of CityLife Church Inc. who have completed Track 1 and Track 2 and applied for partnership (membership) of the incorporated association. The register of members is available for inspection by sending a request to the public officer at

CityLife Church is registered in Victoria as an incorporated association, CityLife Church Inc. (Registration Nr A0026171A)
Registered Address: 1248 High Street Road, Wantirna South
Senior Minister: Andrew Chisholm
Chairperson (Board of Elder): Marg Perry
Elders: See Listing
Public Officer: Winston Lee

The Association holds an Annual General Meeting each year, with notices sent via email. Existing partners can find more information in the Partners Area.

What is Partnership?

A partner is someone who is in agreement with CityLife Church's mission, vision, values and strategy, is committed to the unity with this local church family and keeps the following commitments by God's grace.

Experiencing God through discipleship
  • By being a fervent follower of Jesus Christ
  • By actively participating in church services
  • By living a godly life that sets an example for others
  • By regular prayer and reflection on the Scriptures

Engaging with others in relationship
  • By active involvement in a Life Group
  • By loving others and protecting the unity of the Church
  • By co-operating with and supporting the church leadership
  • By being warm and friendly to those who visit CityLife meetings or programs

Equipping themself to serve through good stewardship of their resources
  • By discovering and using their gifts
  • By developing their God-given potential through learning, training and hands-on experience
  • By regularly giving their time, tithes and offerings to support God's work through CityLife

Expressing their purpose
  • By using their gifts and abilities to serve others, both inside and outside CityLife
  • By developing relationships and sharing their faith
  • By using their gifts to reach out, i.e. through community outreach, church planting and missions

How do I become a Partner of CityLife?

In order to be a partner you are required to successfully complete Track 1 & Track 2 of our LifeTracks course. At the end of the course there will be an opportunity for you to complete the process by filling in the Partnership Application Form. Alternatively, you may fill in and submit the online application form.

A person applying to be a partner also need to be at least 18 years of age and have been baptised as a believer and agree with water baptism by full immersion in water.
Apply for Partnership online

Alternatively, completed Partnership Application Form may either be mailed to the Church office or handed in to the Connect Desk .
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© 2025 CityLife Church Melbourne Australia. All Rights Reserved.
We recognise the sovereignty and Lordship of the one true God, revealed through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land where we work and live, the Kulin Nation, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.